Nordic Sports PEI Programs
Nordic Sports PEI is proud to offer a full range of programs, from introductory levels to the elite athlete level. We offer year-round training to our athletes including range work/techniques, roller skiing (in the summers), and a series of camps and clinics. Training sessions are usually offered twice a week.
We also offer recreational group skis, social events and workshops (how to wax, equipment care, and clothing). We are working to develop more programs and activities for all ages.
Nordic sports are lifetime sports. In fact, our athletes range from age 8 to over 50 and compete at all levels of competition. We are confident that our programs are appropriate for anyone interested in developing their fitness and discipline.
Looking to get involved in other ways? We are always looking for volunteers to assist with organizing and leading events and activities. Please contact Brad Haltli with questions and for further information.
We also offer recreational group skis, social events and workshops (how to wax, equipment care, and clothing). We are working to develop more programs and activities for all ages.
Nordic sports are lifetime sports. In fact, our athletes range from age 8 to over 50 and compete at all levels of competition. We are confident that our programs are appropriate for anyone interested in developing their fitness and discipline.
Looking to get involved in other ways? We are always looking for volunteers to assist with organizing and leading events and activities. Please contact Brad Haltli with questions and for further information.
Nordic Sports PEI Programs
Click on the program names below to learn more and to get involved.
Biathlon BearsA comprehensive skills program for children between ages 8 and 14.
Learn to SkiChildren aged 6-9 to learn basic cross country skiing skills in a safe and fun environment.
Cadet Biathlon ProgramBiathlon as part of the Canadian Cadet movement youth programming.
Recreational ProgramMonthly training sessions in off-season & weekly sessions in the snow. Open to all ages and skill levels.
Competitive ProgramYear-round training with opportunities to compete locally, regionally, nationally, and continentally.
Officials TrainingOnce-a-year officials training course, certified by Biathlon Canada.
BunniesA program for ages 4-5, designed to introduce them to the basic cross country ski skills through games and activities. Maximum of 10 children per group.
Calling All VolunteersOur children’s programs depend on volunteers to lead and coach the programs. Programs run on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays for approximately 8 weeks in January to March (depending on snow conditions).
Track AttackA program for ages 10 – 13 teaching both classical and skating styles of skiing. Skills are taught through fun activities, and group skiing on the trails. Maximum of 10 children per group.
Long Term Athlete Development
Sport Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model is an inclusive concept that encourages all individuals to be involved in lifelong physical activity. LATD was developed by a group of leading sport scientists as a road map for physical and mental development, understanding that play is an essential ingredient in growing up, both physically and mentally.
LTAD articulates the need for all children, particularly those that have the capacity and interest to become elite athletes, to be given a solid foundation in physical, technical, tactical and mental capacities upon which to build their performance abilities.
Nordic Sports PEI follows Long Term Athlete Development as laid out by Nordiq Canada.
LTAD articulates the need for all children, particularly those that have the capacity and interest to become elite athletes, to be given a solid foundation in physical, technical, tactical and mental capacities upon which to build their performance abilities.
Nordic Sports PEI follows Long Term Athlete Development as laid out by Nordiq Canada.